Saturday, March 19, 2011

Lethal Laws

Contraception is a federally approved method, but Ohio prevents it in Ohio Administrative Code. Contraception prevents the herd from growing while lethal methods improve the strength of the surviving herd that will then be more successful in breeding.

Ohio Laws favor lethal methods of deer management, mainly because of the conflict of interest between ODOW and hunting interests.

Contraception has the advantage of stabilizing the size of the deer herd, without lethal methods and without rebound.  Despite this method being approved by the FDA, Ohio continues to ban this method to reduce the competition to hunting and the revenue it generates.

In the ORC see 1531.06 Sec K and OAC 1501:31-25-01 Sec K

ORC 1531.06 (K) The chief shall adopt rules establishing standards and guidelines for the administration of contraceptive chemicals to noncaptive wild animals. The rules may specify chemical delivery methods and devices and monitoring requirements.

OAC 1501:31-25-01 (K) It shall be unlawful to use or provide any contraceptive drugs, substances or chemicals to any free ranging wild animal. Provided further, persons may request permission from the chief of the division of wildlife to use contraceptives for scientific research. The chief may issue a conditional permit in writing after a person has submitted in writing the proposal which outlines the scientific research project.

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