Monday, January 16, 2012


Dear Neighbor,

On January 23, 2012, the Solon deer slaughter will continue. The notorious USDA Wildlife Services (WS) will be shooting deer lured to bait. Solon is now known as the city who kills it's wildlife.  It is a town of politics without principle and science without humanity.

Solon leaders are once again dragging the reputation of the city of Solon into the gutter. USDA Wildlife Services litters the American landscape with deadly poisons and traps and often kills pets and endangered species. Between 2002-2006 Wildlife Services failed numerous federal audits. WS aerially shoots wolves and coyotes and their gunning program has caused ten human fatalities and 28 injuries. They are known to be environmentally abusive and unethical. No wonder WS likes to stay under the radar.

They spend over 100 million annually to kill more than one million animals. Americans foot the bill for this ineffective, wasteful, ecologically unsound and unethically indefensible agency. The Obama administration recently proposed a ten million dollar budget cut for USDA Wildlife Services. Costly and inhumane killing of our wildlife are wastes of tax dollars. And remember, if they aren't killing animals they aren't being paid.

Wildlife Services war on wildlife knows no bounds! 

Not only do we need to get the federal government out of the wildlife exterminating business but out of Solon. An Open Public Records request in 2006 reveals a letter from USDA Wildlife Services to  Dave Hromco, wanting in on the deer killing gravy train. They asked to kill 300 deer, the same number targeted now. They have been waiting in the wings for this day.

From our friends in Solebury, PA whose town was invaded by WS to kill deer :
By Freda R. Savana -- The Intelligencer. An update on the deer culling operation Tuesday night angered about a dozen property owners who argued trapping the animals is inhumane and should be stopped. Dave Dubnanskui said, "a trap on a property there has upset passers-by who have seen a deer suffering in the small, fenced-in area. Deborah Ongara said she and her dog walked by the trap and witnessed the deer thrashing and screaming.

Reported in Mt. Lebanon, PA, where WS killed deer:
They have killed over 200 plus deer in two years. Just about every deer in our community. They shoot everything - does, fawns and bucks. They have been given permission to override all safety buffer zones, and shoot rifles in our small parks which are less than 100 yards wide, and surrounded by homes. They also shoot without notice to residents in the community.

From a 2008 news report in Mt. Lebanon, PA: When Micha Wolf walked out his front door to head to work March 7, he was saddened to see a dead deer lying in his Lindendale Dr. yard. There was a good size pool of blood about half a foot from his house. An interview with Mt. Lebanon residents revealed this. There is a conflict between USDA, Wildlife Services and the PA Game Commission, because the hunters don't want the USDA to kill all of "their" semi-tame deer. The USDA needs the PGC's approval to shoot deer in the suburbs, and to override safety ordinances. So typically the local government (councils), the USDA WS, and the PGC  (Ohio Division of Natural Resources) will allow the WS to come in if the local government will commit to letting bowhunters come in the following years.

Next year Solon intends on bringing in the bowhunters.
Over 3,000 residents voted NO to the continued bloodbath in our backyards. Though we were defeated at the polls we will not be deterred and we will not give up.

Remember, it is the job of council members to represent their constituents. Have they done that? They work for you. You voted them in and you can vote them out. The only Solon councilman to vote NO to the continued, senseless, cruel, deer slaughter was Rob Pelunis. The League of Humane Voters and Solon Deer commend him for his leadership, courage, conscience, ethics, and for holding the city of Solon to higher standards.

Animal advocacy translates into votes -- the only language politicians understand. They pay attention to groups like the League of Humane Voters (LOHV), because they know that our numbers translate into votes for them - or for their opponents. And when they're aware of our presence and our voting bloc they make what matters to us matter in Solon.

You can help the deer simply by joining our voting bloc. If you do nothing else to help stop the slaughter please make sure to register with LOHV's Solon voting bloc. You will show every council member and Mayor Drucker who is not interested in stopping the deer kill that they will not get your vote!
You will show that supporters for the deer are a landslide voting bloc and together we will demand fair representation in Solon.

Please  take one minute to join our voting bloc today. Vist and click on Join us now. 

Thank you for your continued support,

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