Despite objections to moving forward, council discussed the plan and had it on first reading, no action was taken, the full council was not present. Next council is on a special date Sept 7 at 7:30 due to labor day.
The meeting video is here, public comment from 10:30 min to 13:20 min, the plan discussed (item 9) from 25:20 min to 29 min and comments from Russo from 57:20 min to 58:50 min.
Stanek forwarded an agreement with the USDA WS to the law director for review. The quoted price of $128K was to kill 400-500 deer. Stanek further said that if the city of Solon had to cancel the program they would only incur costs up to that point and not for cancelling the contract.
Russo asked Stanek to correct a misstatement by the Solon Sun who editorialized that lethal and contraception methods should be used together. Ohio law doesn't allow this effective method to be used.
Lobe warned that the ballot initiative would repeal any inconsistent measures they pass, he said he's not telling them not to go forward, he's just stating that it could be repealed.
Russo discussed how much food banks appreciate donations of venison.
Near the end of the meeting, Russo also disputed the claim that the plan concentrated on lethal alternatives, he claimed it was better than previous plans that did not mention non-lethal, that last point may be true, but it doesn't answer the initial concern - Why doesn't this plan give equal consideration to non-lethal methods. Russo defended the council's decision to move forward because the city can't assume the Deer Preservation Act will pass and need to be prepared to move forward. The point Russo was missing is that 1600+ people spoke up to ask for this to be on the ballot. His response was that some of the 1600 people may be against it, but again he's missing that ALL of them wanted it on the ballot.
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A lot of lip service has been given to "non-lethal" but we have yet to hear exactly what those things are. They certainly are not the DeerDeter system which is a proven method to keep deer off the roadways since the owner of that company was ignored. Nor was it the Deer Dr. who was sent packing when she wanted to come to Solon to teach the residents how to effectively protect their landscaping. So, again, Mr. Russo, what are these secret non-lethal parts to the comprehensive plan?