Friday, March 11, 2011

Deer Management

At 52 min into the Safety Meeting we saw the city ready to spend $180K to repeat a failed "solution" to a problem they can't even articulate.

They killed deer for 5 years at over $ 3/4 million and the deer are still here, while they ignore cheaper more effective non-lethal methods. They talk about "doing it" and "deer problem" but they can't even say exactly what the problem is, but that doesn't stop them from having a solution. They want to spend $30K to count the deer they've already decided to kill, why? They also got only one qoute, shouldn't there be a competitive bid? They are counting deer in Glenwillow, but can't say why? Are we killing their deer for free, just like they got cheap fire protection, then refused to pay us a fair price?

Hunter Stanek asked US govt groups who are paid by how much killing they do and guess what they advised? Hunting. And what tactics did they use FUD, fear, uncertainty and doubt and outright lies. They mentioned Lyme disease which isn't an Ohio problem. They said deer get "aclaimated" to Streiter Lites, despite Kraus' observation, despite 10 year studies showing their effectiveness for the whole time with large herds of deer and elk in Montana. Does that mean Solon deer are smarter than Montana deer? Or more likely they think Solonites are to dumb not to question them.

For more information on this topic


While the city is busy "managing deer" who's managing them?

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1 comment:

  1. Deer hunting is really a great fun and adventure. Now a days people use to spend weekends by hunting and doing various types of adventures.

    I would like to tell that I recently came across a site called wow hunts who is providing the service of deer hunting as well as organizing small camps for youths.
    Ohio Deer Hunting Trail for deer management.


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